Some chemicals have been found to cause cancer. From pesticides on our food to flame retardant chemicals sprayed on our furniture. Then why do we still use them?
This training will examine some chemicals that are known to cause cancer and the economic incentives that encourage business leaders to use them. We will also develop an action agenda for New Jersey and what we can do to reduce exposures and advocate for change.
Coffee and light refreshments will be provided.
Pre-registration is required. Please use form below. For more information, contact Cecelia Leto at (609) 882-6100 ext. 308 or email: cgilliganleto@njwec.org.
Need assistance? Contact info@salsalabs.com
Need assistance? Contact info@salsalabs.com
Need assistance? Contact info@salsalabs.com
Thank you for signing up for the Chemicals, Cancer and Economy Training. You will receive an email confirmation shortly.
Need assistance? Contact info@salsalabs.com